Work History
Booz Allen Hamilton
Software Engineer - NASA's International Space Station

• Refactored python code for legecy projects in order for them to be more navigable and plainly understood to future developers.

• Development of document generator by combining multiple documents for relevant data through a user friendly Web UI, by incorporating Flask.

Bouncing Pixel
Software Engineer - Full Stack
October 2021 - September 2023

• Developed a general dockerized Restful API in C# using .NET 6 to connect to MongoDB and utilized Autofac for setting up Inversion of Control to create a smoother experience to remove large sets of boiler-plate code.

• Incorporated refreshing JWT for authentication and role-based authorization through middleware in C# in .NET 6 and in .NET 7 Azure Isolated Serverless Functions.

• Converted PHP 5 / TWIG / DUST legacy site to NextJS to ensure SEO is maintained through server-side rendering and updating of redirects. Updated PHP server calls to a new .NET 6 Restful API.

• Developed an LMS platform that allows for client created lesson modules, a social forum, and online video consultation management on ReactJS with integration to user Zoom Accounts.

• Maintained and developed multiple websites in Node, React, Next, and Blazor for clients needing unique tailored experiences for their customers.

• Lead small team development, through implementing agile style practices and assigning work.

Jensen Hughes
Software Developer - Full Stack
August 2017 - August 2021

• Collaborated with industry leaders to develop exciting software in a modern Angular framework utilizing typescript and .NET. Integration with Microsoft Access to enable more engineers in the industry to be able to build MAAP queries utilizing a visual editor.

• Incorporated Telerik’s WinForm Docking System into clients existing VB.NET application to give a more robust user experience.

• Created automated tools in C# and Bash to help dev-ops update SQL databases with complex schema, allowing to offload some of the work needed to update several different databases and schemas daily.

• Developed computation and sorting engine in C# for handling hazardous material limits based on local regulations based on client managed inventory sheets, allowing for a user-friendly VB.NET website to enable builders to not have to worry about existing inventories during construction.

• Integrated client APIs and DLL’s to expand interoperability between software suites for more robust user experience.

• Executed data manipulation for large datasets with complex relationships to enable calculation-oriented tasks. Utilizing C# and WPF for the start of a new revision of RiscAdvisr.

• Worked directly with clients to receive feedback from demos and receive requirements and product changes to ensure complete understanding of requirements though the development process.

• Integrated large software kits such as Telerik and DevExpress to increase productivity and to unify certain implementations of features. Using Angular, KnockoutJS, Winforms, and WPF frameworks.

• Updated legacy JSP project running on from JBOSS 5 to Wildfly 13 while expanding functionality. Some features include map navigation with leaflet and reminder emails using quartz.

AmRisc, LLC
June 2014 – May 2017 (Summer's)

Spring 2017

• Integrated small teams into agile development ideologies alongside the use of Team Foundation Server 2017.

• Developed dynamic performance reports with integration of TFS 2017 and DevExpress for AngularJS.

• Created Quote & Binder documentation and updated outdated documents from Crystal Reports to Dev Express.

Summer 2016

• Developed and designed a Marketing Event Scheduler for sales agents to plan marketing trips in tandem.

• Implemented an Itinerary web app to integrate google services to expedite trip planning for sales teams.

• Used DevExpress to create a web-based report viewer to generate dynamic PDF documents for sales teams to obtain live information while on marketing trips.

Summer 2015

• Developed and designed incident ticket system in AROL to replace OS Ticket to be used company wide.

• Managed ticket workflow through team management and F.A.Q’s before submitting to development teams.

• Integrated a priority system that would only allow high level tickets to be seen by developers so less time would be taken away by solving simple incident tickets.

Summer 2014

• Researched into emerging technologies to adapt for future direction of development for the company.

• Implemented AngularJS and Bootstrap for development of database administrator panel that was used to speed up fixing incident tickets.